Just to assure everyone that we are (little by little!) tidying away all the village Christmas decorations and lights – just somewhat dependent on the weather and volunteer availability!

If you spot any remaining lamp post decorations etc please just remove them (if you can reach them safely) and drop them at Burnville opposite pub on Main Road – or let us know and we’ll deal with them.

The ‘solar trees’ will be removed soon by the contracted firm and brackets and plaques stored for next Christmas. Hopefully this year’s sponsors will wish to continue their support ( and many thanks to them for this year’s display) and if anyone is interested in adding a tree, please contact our Parish Clerk Robin Farman for details – the earlier the better then we have plenty of time to get things organised.

Robin can be reached at burnparishcouncil@outlook.com or ‘phone him on 07971 197712 (Mon-Fri 0930 – 17.00)