Burn Parish Council meeetings are open to all residents, whose views and ideas are important to help parish councillors manage day-to-day concerns and to shape future plans for our lovely village. Please join us for any of the meetings – dates are advertised on this website but meetings (with a few published exceptions) are usually held on the last Thursday of the month in Burn Methodist Chapel schoolroom and start at 7pm.
Agendas, minutes and other documents can be viewed on the Burn Parish Council section of the website and any concerns or ideas should in the first instance be sent to the Parish Clerk, Robin Farman:
E: burnparishcouncil@outlook.com T:07971 197712 (Mon- Fri 09.30 -5pm)
NEXT MEETINGS: Burn Methodist Chapel Schoolroom 7pm
Thursday 30 January 2025
Thursday 27 February 2025